2018年8月16日星期四 Changes, settlement price

In dynamic display board, “changes” is also an indicator that traders often pay attention to.

In the stock market:

changes = (latest price - yesterday's closing price) / yesterday's closing price * 100%

But, In the futures market:

changes = (latest price - yesterday settlement price) / yesterday settlement price * 100%

The settlement price is not the transaction price corresponding to a certain moment, it is calculated by weighted average.


The weighted average of the first 10 minutes is calculated as follows:

Weighted average = (10.2*50+10.3*40+10.6*70+...9.8*80)/(50+40+70+...80)

Calculation result ≈ 9.846

In the setting of many trading analysis software, the calculation method of the "changes" can be adjusted (using the closing price of the previous trading day as the benchmark or the settlement price of the previous trading day as the benchmark), and the trader can conveniently use it.

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