Trading volume refers to the total number of transactions in a certain period of time. In the stock market in mainland China, the unit of measurement is called: hand.
1 hand = 100 shares
The turnover refers to the sum of the transaction amounts over a certain period of time.
The turnover rate refers to the percentage of trading volume in the total share capital during a certain period of time.
[To think]
What does the high and low trading volume rate reflect?
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Philosophical thinking of financial transactions
博文评论 (Atom)
4.0 Observing Object Conversion - Observing Self (1)
As of now, the articles focus on the things outside the trader's own: concepts, propositions, strategies, and so on. These contents are ...
什么是股票? 笔者在说明自己的理解之前,先来探讨一下“澄清概念”这一话题。 每一个名词,也就是所谓的概念,都指涉了某种事物或者现象。由于理解这个名词时考虑的侧重点不同,从而引起每个人对同一个名词的理解都有或多或少的差异。这是无法避免的,每个人只能通过言语尽可能地接近的描述...
全称肯定指的是两个概念在建立“是”的逻辑关系时,前项概念的覆盖范围是全部(周延),后项概念的覆盖范围是局部(不周延)。 A是C。 A是周延的,C不是周延的。 例如以下的句子: 松树是树。 白马是马。 张三是好人。 指标股是好股票。 全称肯定的语句是人...