
2.1.1 A-type of propositions: Universal and affirmative

 A-type refers to the fact that when the two concepts establish a logical relationship of "yes", the coverage of the previous concept is all , and the coverage of the latter concept is partial .


A is C.
A is all, C is not all (partial).

For example, the following sentence:

Pine is a tree.
White horse is a horse.
John is a good person.
Indicator stocks are good stocks.

The A-type statement is the sentence that people like to use most, because this statement can express the firm attitude of the speaker. At the same time, listeners also like to hear such statements, because such statements are "certain" for most people, no need to think. Most people do not intend to accept "uncertain" statements.

For example, when a trader sees an article, its content expresses the recent stock market trend is difficult to grasp, it needs patience to observe for a while to determine; and another article, its content expresses the recent market has confirmed the bottom, can Buy with confidence.

Traders generally prefer the latter's article because this article expresses the concept of "certain"; the former article trader generally thinks that there is no guiding significance, and even himself can draw such a conclusion.

Although the A-type statement sounds like a firm idea and concrete actions that may arise from it, people should clearly understand that the development of anything is complex and changeable. At a certain point in time, facing the development of things with a completely "affirmative" attitude is often hurt, especially in the field of financial investment.

Think about it, many traders often say, “When I buy stocks, the price will fall. When I sell stocks, the price will rise.” Isn’t it just a denial of A-type expression?

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4.0 Observing Object Conversion - Observing Self (1)

As of now, the articles focus on the things outside the trader's own: concepts, propositions, strategies, and so on. These contents are ...