2018年8月13日星期一 Opening price

Some information about price is displayed in the dynamic display board, where "latest price" is easier to understand.

Latest price: The latest price of the current trading moment.
Today's opening: the opening price of the day.

But does the trader know how the opening price of the day was obtained?

In the Chinese stock exchange, there are two ways to form the transaction price:

1, collecting bidding

2, continuous bidding

But does the trader know how the opening price of the day was obtained?

Through the way of collecting bids, the stock can get the opening price of the day and the closing price of the day. At the time of the publication of this article, the Shanghai Stock Exchange only started the auction on the opening day (the Shanghai Stock Exchange decided to start the auction on the same day from August 20, 2018).
The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has set an auction for the opening of the day and the closing of the day.

Opening time of the auction: 9:15-9:25

Closing time of the auction: 14:57-15:00

Traders can think further, what are the specific rules for collecting bids?

More articles, please see "English version index"



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